Friday, August 30, 2013

Day 1

Wow!!! What a day. We had a blast looking at all of the costumes and people. Sleepy time and time to rest my feet.

Its Bill!!!!!!

Dr who marathon

Dr Who villian. ( i think)

League of legends girls

Lynne and Laurell K Hamilton


Lynne praying to the flying spaghetti monster

Peter davison 5th doctor

War machine and the Iron Patriot

Rammus back

On the road

Thursday, August 22, 2013

DragonCon 2013

Good afternoon!

This is the picture and video blog of Kyle and Lynnes first ever trip to DragonCon. If you got this link, and if you give a shit, go ahead and favorite this site.

Here is the Dragoncon Homepage:

Hopefully there will be enough crazy to keep you entertained.

- Kyle